Mobile App Design

Mobile App Design is hard. Especially if you are new to mobile design and/or have to design for a platform you don’t use yourself. As I was in this position multiple times I collected a number of links that can help in this situation.

Platform Guidelines

The platforms publish their own guidelines as a basic to work with:

Mobile App Showcases

These lists of well designed apps can help get an introduction to good mobile app design:




Mobile App Design Tools and Templates

Sometimes a little help is needed in solving specifig problems:

Mobile App Website Showcases

Even if you „only“ have to design a website or landingpage for a mobile app, you may be wondering what is out there. Luckily there are also sites and articles collecting examples of good Mobile App Websites:

Mobile App Icons

Especially hard is the design of a mobile app icon:


Others had the same problem as me and also created websites about it: