Back in 2010 I wrote my Bachelor’s Thesis for my Business Information Systems studies (de = Wirtschaftsinformatik, mixture of Business and Computer Sciences) at Hochschule Karlsruhe – Technik und Wirtschaft, University of Applied Sciences under Prof. Dr. Andreas Heberle and Prof. Dr. Udo Müller while working at Gloveler Gmbh, Karlsruhe on the topic of Cross-Platform Mobile Applications.
Unfortunately it is all in German, but I still wanted to archive it where Google – and possibly interested people – can find it. So here it is:
Mobile Cross-Plattform-Anwendungen
Untersuchung von Ansätzen für plattform-
übergreifende Smartphone-Anwendungen
von Jan Piotrowski, August 2010
Zum Inhaltsverzeichnis.